photo by Hillary Clary
I spent most of today drawing. It took me two hours (9:00 am- 11:00am) to polish my plate. and then I spent the rest of the time (11:00 am- 6:30 pm) drawing on it. I got half way finished with my drawing which is great. When I'm finished writing this I will resume drawing. shown here is the process.
the tools.
well, I've been here a week.
Above is the Catalonian flag. Many Catalonians fly this flag on their balconies or corners of their houses. Their patriotism is very strong and their passion for the region is beautiful.
I would go as far as to say that more houses fly the Catalonian flag than don't.
sketch and writing for the big plate
afternoon cappuccino
One of the turtles today made me laugh. I look down at him, and he is totally sprawled out, fully asleep. legs all crazy, and his little head was laying out on the floor. I also have been seeing some geckos around on the walls and such. They move so incredibly fast that the only picture I could get was through some acrylic glass.
he kind of woke up when he realized I was taking a picture of him
sneaky geckos
one last thing. Look at this :)